Monday, March 15, 2010

Little Blue Cottage

Sometimes when you think you have your life figured out... life changes the plan, the direction you were headed. We, Mr. C. & I, thought we had everything figured out - build an off-grid cabin & retire happily ever after to the mountain. With my father-in-law's health failing we have been discussing the possibility of staying closer to home. We've been renting a little blue cottage that belongs to friends. It's a nice place to come home to when we're not at the cabin - we don't have to stay in a motel (pricey) or shack up with any of the kids (not good for family relations). And - we don't have put the remainder of our furniture & "stuff" in storage (yet another expense).

Our friends/landlords have subtly mentioned that if we were interested in buying the cottage,they'd be happy to sell it to us. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Hmmmm. Our friends/landlords installed laminate floors in the kitchen & bathroom, painted all the rooms (contractor grade white), replaced the bathroom fixtures - restoring the clawfoot bathtub, replaced the kitchen counter & put in new appliances. There are some things that still need to be done, but it's a cute little place with character. It's homey. It's home.

Now... we just have to figure out some creative financing since we've not yet won the Lottery!

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